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LR1110 LoRa Edge Tracker
為您介紹我們的最新產品 - LoRa Edge Tracker,採用先進的LR1110 IC晶片。配備Wi-Fi MAC和GNSS衛星掃描功能,使此產品可提供準確且即時的位置數據。經由將原始數據傳送至雲端進行處理,可保證低功耗和更長的電池壽命。無論您需要追蹤貴重資產還是監控您運輸團隊的移動方位,我們的追蹤器都可為您提供可靠和高效的監控解決方案。憑藉其卓越的技術和容易的使用,我們的追蹤器絕對是您簡化業務程序和提高盈餘的絕佳工具。

LoRa Edge™ Tracker Reference Design User Guide v2 | DEVELOPER PORTAL (semtech.com)

The Semtech LoRa Edge™ Tracker Reference Design architecture has the following characteristics:

LR1110 with Wi-Fi and GNSS capabilities

GNSS antenna diversity

Patch antenna

PCB antenna

STM32WB55 with BLE for tracker configuration and update

2400mAh battery (2x 1200mAh)

52 x 85 x 27mm IP66 housing


3-Axis & Hall Effect Sensors

Maximum transmit output power = +22dBm

Typical sensitivity level:


-140dBm at SF12 BW 125kHz

-127dBm at SF7 BW 125kHz

GNSS: -140dBm

Block Diagram

The control signals from/to the MCU and the Semtech LR1110 are:

1 x SPI, coming from the MCU to the LR1110 SPI interface

LR1110 interface Reset / IRQ / Busy line

I2C coming from the MCU to the accelerometer sensor

GPIO for the Hall Effect sensor and user button

Control lines for RF switch:

Two from the MCU, for GNSS antenna diversity and Wi-Fi/BLE selection.

One from the LR1110, for LoRa RX/TX path selection.

Recommended Operating Conditions

Maximum supply voltage: 3.6V

Operating temperature: -40 to +60°C

Max current: 150mA

Idle current: 10.8μA

Maximum transmit output power: +22dBm

Min RF input level for LoRa® detection SF7 BW 125kHz: -127dBm

Min RF input level for LoRa detection SF12 BW 125kHz: -140dBm

Min RF input level for GNSS detection: -140dBm

Min RF input level for IEEE 802.11b detection: -92dBm
